
Cubing Algos




Got It Down?

Ignore edges and hold the line horizontally then do this algo. Afterwards you should have a cross (ignoring edges).


F(R U R’ U’)F’

Move L shape to the front right then do this algo. Front moves are double layer moves. Afterwards you should have a cross (ignoring edges)
l shape


f(R U R’ U’)f’

This is for exactly dot with no edges. After the first set of moves, you should have an L shape. Then proceed with the next set of moves and afterwards you should have a cross (ignoring edges).


F(R U R’ U’)F’ f(R U R’ U’)f’

Once you have the cross, if there's only one corner, rotate the top so that it's on the front and so that you can see a yellow sticker facing you. If the sticker facing you is on the right, do this algo. Afterwards, the entire top should be yellow.


R U R' U R U2 R'

Once you have the cross, if there's only one corner, rotate the top so that it's on the front and so that you can see a yellow sticker facing you. If the sticker facing you is on the left, do this algo. Afterwards, the entire top should be yellow.


L' U' L U' L' U2 L

Once you have the cross, if there are no corners solved and the two adjacant yellow stickers are opposite each other do this algo. Afterwards, the entire top should be yellow.

Two Yellow Corners, Others Opposite

F(R U R' U')3 F'

Once you have the cross, if there are no corners solved and the two adjacant yellow stickers are not opposite each other do this algo. Rotate the top so that a single yellow sticker is facing you first. Afterwards, the entire top should be yellow.

Two Yellow Corners, Others Not Opposite

R U2(R2 U' R2 U' R2) U2 R

If after the cross there are two corners solved and they're diagonal from each other, do this algo. Rotate the top so that one of the corners is on the front right and make sure you can see the other two yellow corner stickers first. Then rotate the cube so the white face is facing you. Afterwards, the entire top should be yellow.


x(R' U R D') (R' U' R D)

If after the cross there are two corners solved and the two solved corners are adjacent and the other two yellow stickers face opposite directions, do this algo. Rotate the top so that a yellow sticker is facing you first. Then rotate the cube so the white face is facing you. Afterwards, the entire top should be yellow.

Two Yellow Corners Opposite

x(L U R' U') (L' U R U')

If after the cross there are two corners solved and the two solved corners are adjacent and the other two yellow stickers are adjacent as well, do this algo. Rotate the top so the two yellow stickers are facing you first. Afterwards, the entire top should be yellow.

Two Yellow Corners Adjacent

R2 D (R' U2 R) D' (R' U2 R')




Got it Down?

If all the corners are different, do this algo. Afterwards, all the corners should be solved.

All Corners Different

(F R U' R' U' R U R' F') (R U R' U' R' F R F')

If two corners are solved and all the others aren't, do this algo. Rotate the top so the solved corners go to the left first. Afterwards, all the corners should be solved.

Two Solved Corners Others Different

(R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U' R U R' F')

Once all the corners are solved and one of the edges is already solved, rotate the top so the solved edge is at the back first. Then check for the sides on the left and the right, if the edge on the right needs to move to the left, do this algo. Afterwards, the cube should be solved.

Edge Going to Left Side

R U' R U R U R U' R' U' R2

Once all the corners are solved and one of the edges is already solved, rotate the top so the solved edge is at the back first. Then check for the sides on the left and the right, if the edge on the left needs to move to the right, do this algo. Afterwards, the cube should be solved.

Edge Going to Right Side

R2 U R U R' U' R' U' R' U R'

Once all the corners are solved and no edges are already solved and the opposite edges need to swap, do this algo. (U' can be replaced with U) Afterwards, the cube should be solved.

No Edges Already Solved - Opposites Swap

M2 U' M2 U2 M2 U' M2

Once all the corners are solved and no edges are already solved and the adjacent pairs of edges need to swap, do this algo. (M' goes upwards) Afterwards, the cube should be solved.

No Edges Already Solved - Adjacent Swap

M' U' M2 U' M2 U' M' U2 M2